Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Daddy Duck Nonsense

I am amazed at the number of people who have actually come out in support of that goofball. Though in terms of overall percentage of the population it's probably not that great, just the usual random noise from a small number of extremists on the religious right, a (thankfully) dwindling portion of the U.S. electorate (a recently released poll, the third in the last year or so with similar results, shows that religious belief, in particular Christianity, in the U.S. is in steady decline*, though lagging behind most of the rest of the free world).

First and foremost, this is NOT about religious freedom, nor is it about Daddy Duck's First Amendment rights being infringed upon. No one is stopping him from being able to worship and believe whatever he chooses and, as this article shows (and probably many others if one were to search), his First Amendment rights have NOT been infringed upon.

The one thing I troubling about this kind of noise coming from the religious right is the fact that, while they just LOVE to quote Leviticus when it comes to the issue about homosexuality, they fail to pay heed to any of the other COMPLETE NONSENSE that can be found there. The classic example, of course, is Leviticus 11:9-12, but you're also told not to eat shrimp, lobster, and other shellfish - it's "an abomination unto you" - in Deuteronomy 14:9-10. When you're ready to swear off eating shrimp and lobster (and for you Daddy Duck, no more crawdads out of that swamp!), then we can talk about the other abominations. And, of course, best to stay away from bacon (Lev 11:7) or burn in Hell!

Bottom line: Daddy Duck is a racist, homophobic pig who was suspended from a TV show for making racist homophobic comments. A&E would almost certainly have suspended him for making those same statements REGARDLESS of his religious orientation.

I'm done with that idiot now.

*There's an organization called The Clergy Project here in the U.S. that, while just under 600 members, has nearly tripled in size in little more than a year. I first learned about it from an op-ed back in 2011 or 2012 in either the Washington Post or the New York Times (too lazy to go look now). The authors of that piece, though clearly stating it was not a scientific survey, estimate that between 30% and 40% of ALL clergy in the U.S. are either agnostic or atheist. Think about that for a moment - it means there is a roughly 1 in 3 chance that the person preaching to you on Sunday does NOT believe what they are saying. And, in almost all cases when people leave the clergy, their stated reasons for their change of heart is because they started really reading the Bible in depth. And the membership is coming from just about every different Christian faith - Pentecostal, Baptist, LDS, Catholic, you name it. Food for thought . . . 


  1. And as far as "persecution" goes, Mandela was persecuted, Mr. Duck . . . not so much.
