Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Cattle Thief

I've been trying to understand this whole issue with rancher Bundy and his cattle but, this being Tax Day, here's my take after researching the matter:

The guy owes the federal government, which is, ultimately, you and me, over a million dollars in grazing fees. His privilege to graze cattle (only 50 head in the Spring from what I've been able to glean, not the 900 head he has been grazing year round) was revoked in the 1990s (please note the word "privilege" at the beginning of this sentence - they are NOT rights by law).

Now, we don't seem to blink an eye when someone serves time, or has property confiscated and sold, because they owe back taxes (state or federal).

Yet there are people who think it's okay for this guy (and his family) to steal from us?

The answer to that question can only be a resounding "NO!"

Pay up or go to jail, Bundy.

And don't go waving a flag around either, because you are not an American. I don't give a f*ck where you were born - you are not one of us.

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