Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Oh the Hypocrisy . . .

Everyone who knows me well, knows that I am politically liberal. That's not to say that aren't some conservative ideals I agree with, just that there is nothing in today's "conservative" platform I find agreeable. When I talk conservatism, I am talking about old school Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower or Theodore Roosevelt. Let's face it, most of the conservative politicians (I cannot call these modern pretenders Republicans - they do NOT represent historical Republican ideals in any way shape or form) in the U.S. are a bunch of nuts. And so are the conservative commentators. Right near the top of that list are nut jobs like Glenn Beck.

I refuse to link there, but Beck's The Blaze website has an article about how (ZOMG!) the President and his family did not attend any Christmas services while on vacation in Hawaii last week. Okay, so they only attend church occasionally, the family may have their reasons, and it really is not our place to judge them because of that.

Why "hypocrisy" in the title?

Let's look at the big picture: Bush II's church attendance was almost exclusively limited to private services in the chapel at Camp David. President Clinton's family, on the other hand, attended church publicly almost every Sunday during his two terms. Bush I, an Episcopalian, was not affiliated with any Washington, D.C. church according to several sources I found. How about Saint Ronnie Reagan*, worshiped by the new conservatives as maybe the best president ever? Well, he never attended church while he was in office. Meanwhile, his predecessor Jimmy Carter not only attended church in Virginia, he even taught Sunday school.

At the end of the day it appears that, even though our current president doesn't attend regularly (about 20 times over his first term+), the Democratic presidents seem to have a much better attendance record than their Republican counterparts. So maybe God's Own Party really isn't . . .

Dear Glenn Beck: Stuff a sock in your pie hole, you lying blowhard.

Oh, don't want to forget to mention that on Christmas Day 2013 the President spent part of his day visiting with U.S. military men and women in Hawaii. You know, those same members of the military modern conservatives seem to care about when they're serving, but love to take away their benefits once they become veterans.

*In 2012 there were many complaints from conservative commentators about the fact that O hadn't visited Israel yet (he did go in 2013). Guess how many times St. Ronnie visited that country during his two terms? That's right, a big fat goose egg. 

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